I have never seen a photo of my father as a boy. For me he will forever be stuck at the age he died when I was thirteen. Last night, I had a dream where an old car drives up and the door opens revealing my dad as a boy. I instantly knew who he was. He signals me to enter the car but there is no driver, only him in the passenger seat. He said it is your turn to drive, get in. We go down a highway passing dream roadside attractions and dream cafes. We talk about things like baseball and music. I wanted to stay in the dream as long as I could. Up ahead, I saw what appeared to be an old Burma Shave ad where each sign is a word in a sentence. It read THIS… ROAD…GOES…ON…FOREVER.
Such a joy and honor to have just met you and your work (here)! Brilliant! Thank you for choosing to exist here now!